Friday, April 25, 2008

free knit hat patterns

Knitting is the art of turning threads int Sock-knitting machines are used to make socks.

Hand-knitting has gone into and out of fashion many times in the last two centuries, and at the turn of the 21st century it is enjoying a revival. A piece of knitting begins with the process of casting on (also known as "binding on"), which involves the initial creation of the stitches on the needle. People who knit are skilled at juggling both these tasks and also switching yarn in order to add color to their blankets.

There are actually hundreds of combinations of stitch patterns. This takes longer to dry and I suggest changing to a dry towel and flipping the sweater over so it dries quicker. Catch the knitting yarn on the end on the right knitting needle and pull it through the first stitch to the front of the work.

Be sure to try using other available resources, such as local craft and hobby stores. Good luck with your knitting.

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